“I know that my kids are being taught by teachers who love what they are doing, care for each of the children in their classes, pray for their students and want to interact with me as a parent. What more could I ask for?" - parent
St. Timothy’s recognizes parents as the primary educators of their children. The school attempts to consult with and welcome parents into school discussions and actively seek feedback. There is a letter home every week with an update on what has been learned in the classroom, homework information, and specific prayer requests.
Parents are likewise expected to support teachers and those in positions of school authority and reinforce what is being taught in school. Families of children at St. Timothy's commit to ground learning at school with daily family prayer and devotions, creative play, developing good work habits, limiting the amount of time using electronic media, and being active and responsible community members and stewards of financial and material resources.
Parental involvement in the school’s day-to-day life is highly valued at St. Timothy’s. Not only does volunteering ease the load of our hard-working staff, it allows our parents to be connected to what their children are doing and learning throughout the day. Our parents enjoy helping out with driving for field trips, lunch-time supervision, and even some classroom volunteering (for example, leading reading groups with the younger classes). Some parents also take the initiative to meet once a week and pray for the school.

One of the important components of a classical education at the grammar stage (see trivium) is the incredible ability of children to memorize information and the accompanying desire to show this off. We hold concerts where families and friends are invited to come and watch the students recite scripture and poetry, sing, display their art, and do drama productions and Latin recitations.
We also host a special event every February called the Mid-Winter Festival. This is an occasion when our students share their love of learning with the rest of the school and dress up as a literary, biblical or historical character. Pippi Longstocking, Gollum, Genghis Khan, Queen Esther, Laura Ingalls, Rapunzel, and Athena are among some of the colourful crew that have made an appearance on our school stage!
We hold various social events throughout the year to provide opportunities for our school community to strengthen.