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Book an appointment to tour the school (email



Please provide the following documents, via email, to

  • Application Form: this form is a fillable PDF (requiring Adobe Acrobat to complete). Please download, fill out, sign, save, and return.

  • Report cards: your child(ren)'s most recent report cards

  • Pastor's Letter: a letter from your current pastor briefly describing your family’s regular involvement in and commitment to the church

  • The non-refundable Application Fee is due at the time of application ($200 for the first child, $100 for each additional child).  We will not proceed to student assessment until the fee has been received. Payment is accepted by e-transfer to or by cheque (made out to St. Timothy’s Classical Academy).



Upon receipt of your application form and fee, a time will be set up for your child(ren) to visit the school. Children entering SK or grade 1 will make a brief visit to the SK classroom to meet the teacher and spend a few minutes doing activities. Students entering grades 2-8 will be asked to complete some desk work to test reading comprehension, writing, French language, and math skills. 


If gaps are noticed in your child(ren)’s knowledge, but they are otherwise a good fit for the school, the teachers will make recommendations for work which should be completed to make a good transition into the school. Clear communication will happen between the school and parents, so that they understand the commitment necessary for their child(ren) to transition well. If parents agree in writing to commit to the work needed for their child(ren) to make this transition, a date will be set up for the child(ren) to be reassessed at a time recommended by the school. They will only be accepted into the school if at reassessment they meet the academic standards for a child of that grade level at St. Timothys.

Textbooks/workbooks will be provided by the school for a fee (a refundable full cost deposit for books to be returned to the school; a non-refundable full cost payment for books that will become property of the family). If tutoring is necessary (e.g. in Latin, French or Math), this is at the parent’s expense.



Provided there are no concerns arising from the application or student (re)assessment, an interview will be set up between the parents, our Director, and a Board member. This generally lasts approximately 45 minutes and is an opportunity for the Board to discuss the family’s commitment to classical, Christian education and the school's vision, as well as to provide parents a chance to raise any unanswered questions.


At the assessment, you will be given a copy of Christopher Perrin’s An Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parents. This is required reading prior to your Board Interview.



The school Board will make the final decision on a family’s acceptance into the school based on the recommendations of the interviewers and the transcripts of the interview. They will be looking for families who are a good fit with the school’s vision and mission, and are willing to partner closely with the staff in the academic and Christian formation of the child(ren). If accepted, families will begin receiving information regarding the upcoming school year and will be expected to begin providing tuition payments.



Tuition is due upon acceptance to the school. The amount owing, in conjunction with the Payment Schedule outlined in the Tuition Information section of the application form, will be communicated to you by the school. If you are joining the school after June 1, your tuition payment will be due the first day of the next month upon review of the payment schedule with the school. In addition, if you are joining the school after the first week of the school year, your tuition will be prorated based on the number of weeks left in the school year. Tuition is payable either by post-dated cheques (payable to St. Timothy’s Classical Academy) or by Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD).


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