We are now accepting admissions for SK and some other grades for the 2023-2024 school year.
Senior Kindergarten is offered three full days a week. Children entering SK must turn 5 years old by December 31st of the academic school year for which they are applying.
We will consider mid-year transfers and if the student is accepted, we work to ensure the most seamless transition.
Although we do accept new students at any grade level, we find that it is easier to transition by grade 4 for academic reasons, and encourage interested families to enroll their children as early as possible.
Please see our Admissions Policy for more information on our admission requirements for Christian commitment, academic and behavioural standards.
All families are expected to contribute to the volunteer effort that is required to operate the school and volunteer at least 40 hours per year, averaging one hour per school week. This can be in a variety of capacities such as classroom volunteering, lunch supervision, field trip driving, committee work, IT assistance, and fundraising activities.